Date: October 2024
Project Duration: 6 days
Assets Created: 25 Images, 2 GIF’s
Trailberg outdoor gear is designed to keep mountaineers moving. As bold leaders in the new era of outdoor fashion, we set out to showcase this gear in a way that embodies its adventurous spirit, proving to their audience that these pieces are made for action!
To bring Trailberg’s product range to life, we transported their gear into the rugged habitats it was designed to conquer, emphasising its performance-driven design. Through our creative ghost mannequin service, dynamic animated GIFs and flat lay photography, we created a visual experience that takes the brand product photography to new heights, capturing the life of the mountains and the thrill of movement in every shot.
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If you are looking for a commercial photographer who is able to produce excellent imagery without it costing the earth, simply fill out your details here and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss. For your peace of mind, the details you enter here are strictly confidential and will only be used to contact you regarding the photography project.
Please note: We are extremely busy so it could take up to 1-2 working days to respond. If your enquiry is urgent or you would like to speak to someone please give the photography studio a call on 0161 660 4108.
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